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Interactive Networking Tool for Research (INtR) - Support

Support Request

Created in April 2012 by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), the Research Network on Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity aims to develop research excellence in these areas, to transfer knowledge and to foster the use of new knowledge so as to promote quality of life for all Quebecers.

The main objective of the Interactive Networking Tool for Research (INtR) is to catalyze collaborative research within the CMDO Network and make its researchers more competitive.

Let us know your skills / expertise (clic here) to increase our network connections and contact us to accelerate the identification of required expertise, equipment (eg. a platform), etc.

1.      Complete this online form (Support request) being as precise and concise as possible!

2.      If needed, we will complete / finalize it together in a short meeting / telephone discussion. During this discussion we can develop / clarify / explain more precisely the various  information / requests included in this document.

It is not mandatory to have a completed researcher profile to submit a support request.

«Where there is a will there is a way»

Any request for additional information may be sent to the Scientific Coordinator of the FRQS Research Network on Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (CMDO), Lucien Junior Bergeron, Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke , Division of Endocrinology, CRCHUS, Tel: 819-346-1110 ext 12703, email: