Created in April 2012 by the Fond de Recherche du Quebec – Santé (FRQ-S), the Research Network on CardioMetabolic health, Diabetes and Obesity aims to promote research excellence, knowledge development and knowledge sharing in these areas to improve the quality of life of Quebecers
The network launches a call to Master's students, doctoral students, resident, postdoctoral trainees, research professionals and regular members of the network to enter the contest – ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 - A joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Disease, convention to be held October 16-18, 2019 at the International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australie (meeting information : The four(4) selected candidates must make an oral or poster presentation (determined by the organization of the congress).
The congress describes itself as follows: This conference will feature a diverse and vibrant group of established international and national experts. You will have direct access to opinion-leaders, experts and key decision makers which will afford an invaluable opportunity to gain knowledge, foster relationships and create networks.
The CMDO Network will refund up to $1750 to the participant for the transportation, accomodations and/or inscription costs. All other costs shall be borne by the participant and/or its director.
The CMDO Network is associated with the International Research Chair in Cardiometabolic Risk (ICCR - Director: Jean-Pierre Després). This Chair organizes an annual international conference and the network contributes to it actively, through the participation of its members as lecturers or participants as well as through its support for scientific activities.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 14, 2019.
The eligibility criteria and the method of evaluation are described below. Applications submitted late, incomplete or which do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated. Selected applicants will be contacted no later than June 20th.
Any request for additional information can be sent to the FRQS CardioMetabolic, Diabetes et Obesity (CMDO) Health Research Network, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Endocrinology Department, CRCHUS, Tel: 819- 346-1110 ext 12703, email: